When choosing one of the many first year blogs to review I couldn’t help but be drawn to ‘I know what you wrote last semester’. The title jotted my memory back to the 1997 slasher film ‘I know what you did last summer’ which provided comedians with more than enough material to exploit and was the centre of attention of the first scary movie.
The blog itself can be argued to rival the humour created by the movie. Its writers have the ability of finding the truth in a witty manner that students are sure to appreciate. The point of view from another student is an effective attention grabber and while the blog’s layout leaves much to be desired it must be emphasised that it’s what’s written that counts the most.

Local politics is discussed extensively within the blog, a factor that I’m sure would go down well with Rhodes students given the extent to which it is discussed on campus. Racism also features and given the recent events of Tri Varsity as well as Free State University, it is a relevant area for blog analysis. But again what makes it worth reading is how the writers manage to carry through their humour while dealing with issues that too often command straight faces. For us as students the blog sends a basic message for students to recognise that we shouldn’t always take things seriously.

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